注意事項 / Notice
  1. 如您有身分證字號或居留證號,身份別請選擇國內與會者/Domestic Attendee,以維護您的權益。
  2. 以下欄位將使用於您的投稿、線上報名及相關證明等資訊,請正確填寫,完成後無法再次修改。

  1. If you have a National ID Number or Taiwan Resident Certificate number, please select ‘Domestic Attendee’.
  2. The details you provide will be utilized for your submissions, online registration, and issuing certificates. Ensure the information is accurate, as it cannot be altered once submitted.
建議您用個人信箱註冊帳號,因為公務信箱可能會因單位變動而收不到通知信件。/We recommend using a personal email to register, as work emails might miss notifications due to organizational changes.